About ME
Well hi there! I'm glad you're here!!
Little bit about me! I got my first camera at 13 but I've always been OBSESSED with taking photos. Early on in my life I lost my grandpa and realized how important photos are. They remain to tell your story when everything else is gone.
I'm calling my sessions spells, because we're gonna make magick!
My life mate and I eloped in the upper peninsula of Michigan in a state park. This means I'm familiar with the different needs eloping couples have such as travel concerns, permits, intimate settings and a more freeform structure to the day. I want to help you make your day look exactly the way you want it to.
I am equally as passionate about in home photos and just because sessions as I am about sessions to catch those big moments. It's the little moments that make us and end up meaning the most.
Obsessed with Game Of Thrones, Supernatural, Buffy, The Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor, etc.
Tacos (homemade)
Dog mom to a sassy mutt named Winston
True Crime
But like, also a couch potato.
Sailor mouth (#SorryNotSorry #I’llDialItBackForTheKids #ApparentParenteticalEnthusiast).
See some of my work in the Blog Scrolls or Portfolio and see what Photo Spell is for you!!
Click the button to send a raven my way and let's make magick!